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For Business Clients

For Business Clients

Working with us

We focus exclusively on providing Clients with Top-tier Talent in Advanced Technology:
  • Analytics & Data Science
  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • Robotics & Automation
When you need People with Talent in Advanced Technology, we can connect you with those people, in a way that works both for your company and them.

Start at No Cost

We offer a variety of services packages for businesses and organizations, including an option enabling you to get started at no cost.

Contact us for details about our programs or to discuss your specific needs.

We recognize that the quality of the Talent you utilize is an important factor in how much success you achieve. We can help in a variety of situations, including:
  • You need to Up Skill your team
  • You need skilled people to move forward
  • It is difficult to find/utilize the right Talent
  • Projects are stalled or not productive
  • Time for an outside, experienced perspective
We find the right people with the right skills at the right time in a project life-cycle.

With an Engineering and Business Value perspective, we understand what Advanced Technology projects require to be successful, what Talent is needed, and where to find that Talent.
  • Team Members have as much as 30+ years experience with Advanced Technology projects in Engineering, Technical and Management roles
  • For clients ranging from Enterprise (Fortune 500), Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMB), and Startups

Flexible Approach

We work with you to develop a working arrangement that fits your situation, while empowering the right, top-tier Talent. Arrangements include:
  • Direct Hire, where we find you the right person to hire as your full-time employee
  • Dedicated Consultant, where our team member is dedicated to you on a full-time basis, long-term or short-term
  • Active Consultant, where our team member is dedicated to you on a part-time basis, long-term or short-term
  • Talent Team, a team that collectively has the skills and experience needed
  • Advisor, a specialist available to you on an 'as needed' basis
  • Other, let us know what working arrangements work for you

Roles for which we provide Talent include:

  • Engineering
  • Technical
  • Executive and Management
  • Analytics Services
  • Software Development
  • Product Design & Development
  • Supporting Roles

We can assist you in reviewing and assessing your situation:

  • Up Skilling your internal Team through collaborative projects
  • Team Talent Solutions, formation of a team with the needed expertise and skills
  • Situation & Technology Assessment
  • Strategy Development
  • Targeted, Specific Deliverables
  • Tailored engagements specific to your situation
  • Technical assessment of people you are considering
Contact us for details about our programs or to discuss your specific needs.

Email for additional information.